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Staying in a charming cabin in the Montana wilderness, during off season, sounds like a lovely vacay because I’m cheap. But it turns out someone else has rented this small cabin at the same time as me (ugh) and I quickly learn three things about this ferocious guy I’m double-booked with:

He’s handsome as hell in an edgy ‘dressed always in black leather’ kind of way.

He’s not of this planet.

And he’s got bags of alien blood stored in the fridge. Sharp, white fangs peek from his mouth and he licks his lips while gazing hungrily at the veins on my neck.

Is this guy a vampire?

Well, hell. And now there’s a freaking snowstorm outside and we’re both stuck here together with no way out.

And for some reason… this doesn’t worry me as much as it should.

What better way to get through a snowstorm than with wine, a roaring fire, and some big muscular arms wrapped around you?
You'll be doing a snow dance and begging for a blizzard of your own after reading about being Marooned for a Night with these hot possessive men.

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